Coláiste Pobail Ráth Dara

Rath Dara Community College

Strength through Cooperation


Child Safeguarding Statement

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Download or View the Board of Management Review Statement.

Homework Policy

The Rath Dara Community College Homework Policy was formulated by a task group through School Development Planning Initiatives. In drawing up this policy we consulted and involved all the educational partners, (Parents, Teachers, Students and Board of Management) in developing a whole school approach to homework.

A Guide For Pupils

  • Pupils must do all set homework and hand it in on time.
  • Doing homework will help you become an independent learner and will result in better marks.
  • You may find some homework difficult to do, but you must still try your best to do it.
  • Remember that homework is not always written work. There are many types of homework, including reading, writing, drawing, thinking, memorising, studying, revising, investigating, researching, doing a survey & preparing the next topic.
  • No matter what type of homework you have, you should always attempt to complete it as best you can.

The Homework Journal

  • You must bring your school homework journal with you to every class and write down every assignment as it is given.
  • The Homework Journal is not private and teachers and parents/guardians must be shown the journal on request.
  • Your school journal must be kept tidy and free from graffiti and drawings.
  • If lost, your journal must be replaced immediately. Journals are for sale in the office for €2.

Use of the Journal

  • On Sunday nights, write the names of the subjects as they appear on the weekly timetable for the full week ahead.
  • Before leaving each class, write down the given homework assignment in the journal beside the appropriate subject. If there is not enough space, write the details in your subject exercise book and abbreviate in the journal. If there is no homework set, (written or otherwise), write the word 'None' in your journal.
  • If the homework is not due the next day, turn to the day before it is due and note it there as well.
  • Each day before you leave school, check your journal and your schoolbag to ensure that you take home all the materials books that you will need.
  • All notes written in the homework journal by subject teachers should be signed by parent/guardian and the form teacher.

Some Advice for Pupils doing Homework

  • Allow yourself enough time to complete your homework satisfactorily.
  • Get all books/materials together before you start.
  • Don’t leave the classroom without understanding what you have to do at home and how to do it. Ask your teacher if you are not sure.
  • Homework should be completed in a suitable environment, i.e. without the distraction of TV, radio, iPods, PC, computer games, mobile phones etc.
  • If your are absent from school or class, you are still responsible for the work that you missed. Talk to the teacher and find out what to do to catch up.
  • Always make your best effort. You will get a better response from your teachers if you can always show that you try.
  • Be as neat as possible.
  • Hand in your homework on time.

Homework Time

While the amount of time required to complete the same homework assignment will vary from pupil to pupil, below are guidelines for minimal homework times. If you satisfactorily finish your homework in less time, then use the remaining time for revision and study.

For example:

  • Think about what you did in class during the day.
  • Neatly re-write the class notes that you wrote.
  • Redraw diagrams, maps, graphs that you drew in class.
  • Reread the chapter you were doing in class.
  • Go back in your textbook and revise a previous chapter.
  • Organise your class handouts.
First Years 1 – 1½ Hours
Second Years 1½ - 2 Hours
Third Years 2 - 2½ Hours
(increasing as mock/state examinations approach)
Transition Years Homework will be given, but usually less frequently than in other years and will often consist of research on long term projects.
Fifth & Sixth Years 3+ Hours
(increasing as mock/state examinations approach)

A Word for Parents / Guardians

Full participation in the school’s academic programme requires the satisfactorily completion of all homework assignments set at the discretion of the subject teachers. All pupils must undertake to complete all homework to the best of their abilities.

Some Reasons for Homework

There are many good reasons why homework is set and why pupils should complete it.

Homework :

  • Promotes independent learning
  • Promotes self-organisation
  • Promotes responsibility for learning
  • Fosters the habit of class preparation
  • Encourages reflection on what was covered during class
  • Consolidates and reinforces previous learning
  • Encourages associative learning
  • Allows pupil to work at their own pace
  • Provides regular feedback to pupil on personal progress
  • Provides parents/guardians with an insight into the curriculum
  • Provides parents/guardians with an insight into the pupil ability and present skill level
  • Helps teachers to monitor individual progress

When a pupil falls behind in their work, it is more difficult to keep up with class work, i.e. classes become more difficult.

It should be noted that homework is not always written work. There are many types of homework, including reading, writing, drawing, thinking, memorising, studying and revision.


Failure to do homework and to hand it in promptly will result in sanctions. Initially, punishment work will be given by the subject teacher. You will be informed of this by a note in the student’s journal. Failure to do both homework and punishment for the following class will result in detention and referral to both Tutor and Year Head. If the work is still not completed the pupil may be suspended.

Some Advice for Teachers on Homework

  • It should be noted that homework is not always written work. There are many types of homework including reading, writing, drawing, thinking, memorising, studying and revising.
  • Give homework regularly but be aware of the time and effort required to complete the work.
  • Ensure sufficient class time for all pupils to record homework assignment in their homework journal.
  • Be consistent in your expectations of homework.

Critical Incident Plan

Download or View the Rath Dara Community College Critical Incident Plan.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Download or View the Rath Dara Community College Anti-Bullying Policy.


Code of Positive Behaviour

Download or View the Rath Dara Community College Code of Positive Behaviour.

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

Download or View the Rath Dara Community College Suspension and Exclusion Policy.

DDLETB CCTV Policy, Privacy Notice & Data Processing Policy

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